Christine Chapman AM,

Chair, Communities, equality and Local government Committee,

National assembly for wales.



Dear Ms Chapman,


I am the proprietor of two Holiday Caravan Parks in North Wales. One in Denbighshire, the other in Flintshire. Both Parks are for the provision of holidays via Sales of caravans and rentals.


I am concerned about the consultation on the holiday Caravan Sites (Wales) bill. We are members of the BH&HPA and have been for many years. I am writing to endorse their evidence and concerns for this Bill. Trading has been particularly difficult over the past few years in our area and as such, I am concerned that my business is not put under a further disadvantage  with some of the proposals in this Bill. As members of the BH&HPA, we strive to achieve industry best practice, which I regard as the way forward. I do feel however, that certain proposals in the bill are not applicable to Holiday Parks and rather more appropriate for housing associations.


The Business has been in existence for over 40 years and as stated, have always strived for the highest standards. Being put at a disadvantage by this Bill can only affect our trading potential in terms of the choice potential tourists have in terms of holiday destination. This will have the knock on effect of jeopardising direct and indirect employment.


I am in favour of improving the licencing regime, but have grave concerns on the way it seems to be being driven through without full consultation.


Yours sincerely,

Mark Bancroft

(Partner, Bancroft Leisure)